PFR Engineering Systems, an independently operated Petro-Chem Development subsidiary, provides industry leading softwares for Fired Heater and Furnace rating, widely used in the industry by EPCs and Fired Heater designers. Their offer also include services, training and support.
General Purpose Heater Simulation Program
FRNC-5PC is a rating program for general purpose fired heaters. It simulates most heater types, coil configurations, tube and fin types, and external transfer lines. It can simulate the heat recovery sections of all types of furnaces, boilers and turbines. It also has a user friendly graphical input system.
Steam Hydrocarbon Reforming Simulation Program
REFORM-3PC is a rating program for the firebox sections of Steam-Methane Reformer furnaces, which are used in Hydrogen, Ammonia and Oxo-Alcohol production. It simulates most reforming furnace types such as Up, Down, or Side Fired rectangular and cylindrical types, as well as Terrace Wall.